We Live in The Age of the Dragon King. You Can't Predict Anything Anymore.
The unlikely was never the impossible.
It came out of nowhere.
A tornado hit my house when I was eight years old. My parents woke me up in the middle of the night and rushed me downstairs. The tornado downed every tree in our yard and several more across the neighborhood. These weren't small trees. They were big, old pines. It ripped shingles off our roof. It bent our neighbor's basketball pole upside down.
Scientists are always shocked now.
Have you noticed?
They're baffled by disease behavior. They're caught off guard by the latest climate disaster, whether it's a flash drought or an epic flood. It's not their fault. They can predict that terrible things are in store for us, but they can't tell us exactly when or where they're going to happen.
That's the point of breakdown and collapse. Stable, predictable systems become unstable and unpredictable.
Just ask the farmers.
Most of us are just looking for something to latch on to, something that can at least help us understand what's going on a little better. We want some kind o…