A volcano is about to erupt. The stock market is about to crash. A bunch of soldiers are hiding inside a Trojan horse. A dangerous disease is spreading. A tsunami is coming. You get wind of a terrorist plot.
What happens?
You see it in almost every disaster movie. Everyone blows off the warnings. They dismiss the scientists as quacks. Even worse, they get angry. They refuse to evacuate. They start protesting and rioting over the very things that are supposed to protect them. And despite all these movies where politicians and the public ignore warnings up until the very last minute, we as a society continue to do the exact same thing in real life.
The most famous stories in the Bible just happen to show us what happens when you ignore warnings. You die in horrible ways.
Even when the threat turns out to be very real, a majority of the public will continue to mock and ridicule the handful of us who make a reasonable effort to protect ourselves. They continue to get angry over the s…