Everyone Has The Right to Mask
A teacher at a San Antonio charter school recently ordered a student to remove her mask, even though she has asthma. On top of that, she's trying to protect her sister, who has cancer.
The Covid cautious community is rightfully disturbed.
As the head of the school stated, "We have found over the last 2 years that most students who have continued to wear a mask were not doing it for any medical reason, but that it was just a teenage trend... Most students we have stopped couldn't tell us a good reason."
The school further explained that they've "noticed" that students who wear masks aren't learning as well.
The girl's family has been speaking up and raising awareness.
This news follows a recent decision by the fast food chain In-n-Out to forbid their employees from wearing masks. It doesn't often make the news, but those who choose to continue masking are being treated with increasing amounts of hostility and violence. We're being told to take our masks off because it makes others un…