My daughter wanted an ice cream sandwich.
Like an idiot, I bought a box.
A year ago, that would've posed zero problems. Now bird flu is spreading unchecked through the meat and dairy industries, and we're told to prepare for an inevitable pandemic while remaining calm and making absolutely no changes to our habits or behaviors. If history holds true, nobody in our government will warn us until it's far too late.
So, that's it.
I have a box of ice cream sandwiches in my freezer, wondering what I should do with them. If I throw them away, I'm paranoid and wasteful. If I feed them to my family, I'm careless. If I give them to someone else, I'm potentially committing murder. A year ago, we lived in a world with occasional ice cream sandwiches. Now we live in a world where they're probably fine, for now. And if you express the slightest bit of concern, you sound like a lunatic. Our government is mixing bird flu milk into regular milk, heating it up a li…