Once upon a time, a hunter got lost in the woods. Hunger drove him to cannibalism. Then he went insane. He decided to stay in the forest forever, roaming the woods for new victims.
He became the first wendigo.
I've been reading a lot about the wendigo, an Algonquian legend. You could think of it as a demon that can possess someone, creating an insatiable hunger that drives them to cannibalism and murder. Once you commit cannibalism, real or figurative, you become a wendigo yourself. According to folklorists and ethnographers, the wendigo offers a cautionary tale about greed and the importance of community.
They're also just scary as hell.
If you want to see someone's soul, don't stare deeply into their eyes or ask them their sign. Play a game of Monopoly.
See if their wendigo comes out.
Psychologists at the University of California had students play rigged Monopoly with each other. They gave one player twice as much money starting out. The privileged player got two dice to …